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Shift does nothing, so Menu cant be opened

at least for me

I’d like to play it on my DMG instead of in the browser. Could you add a .gb to the download?

Big fan of your channel and your stuff. Working with gb studio now on a little game called ”Hometown”, mostly due to your videos. Your tutorials make this program way more accessible. 

Great sense of humor and great content. People like you make the internet tolerable! Really looking forward to projects you’re involved in. 

Thank you <3 I'm working on a solo project that is very important to me staying full time indie. I hope you support

When I walk into Gurb's house, it's completely blank with no furniture or anything else. Gurb is also missing from the screen, but I can still exit the house by pressing the down key.

Any ideas about why this is happening?

I'm working in GB Studio 3.1. I tried to migrate the game to 3.1. 

It was made in an older version of GB studio. My guess is that the actor is still there but the sprite is not visible for some reason. Sorry but I don't have time to update it to the new GB studio right now. Someday I'll make a tutorial for the new GB studio. 

I can wait! :) I can still learn from the rest of your game project! 
Thanks so much for your tutorials. They have helped me to understand the amazing possibilities of GB Studio!

Hello, I found the studio GB Studio and with the help of your tutorials I was able to figure it out. I got to a point where I was pausing your tutorial for hours at a time and just building with what I knew and what you had tought me. I used your tutorial to learn what I needed to know to create my own RPG Bob's Adventure it sounds like Gurb's Adventure but trust me I made the game before I knew what your name was called. Thanks for your tutorials and helping me learn this new game engine. :D


Hey! Come here just to say thanks for your tutorials. Learn a lot to make my own games on GB Studio. This game looks amazing!


Thanks, I might finish it someday. 

(1 edit)

Your GB Tutorials are amazing! I’ve been learning so much. Thank you!

Gurb and his little mushroom house are so cute. I would love to see more of his adventures. Gnomes are the best! Is the Goblin his sidekick? 

¿final version?

Awesome! You're tutorials helped me alot!

Hello, you can put the .gb file pls? I wish play this game in my GBA


You can export it after downloading but sure I will do it in the future when I get a chance. 

OK thank you


i got trapped after using the menu button xD 

I will update the game soon but Im still working on "Dwerve"

Follow you on your YT ;) Cheers from Chile!


Hey! I've been following you make this on youtube and even though it's been a few years it'd be cool to see you finish this, maybe making new tutorials too!


This is so charming. Nice pixel arts. Been following it on YouTube. Thank you so much for the tutorials and please finish this. This would be damn sexy on the Analogue Pocket!

Best GBS Game Ever.

I dig it.

yo I just got gb studio and I watched a couple of your tutorials. Really appreciate them. I do have a couple of recommendations for this game though. Could you change the sound for the game? The current sound honesty kind of bothers my ears, especially since I’m using earbuds. Second, could you put an interactive sprite or something in the fishing area so you don't have to take a step back and walk to the pier again? That would be fantastic. Great game though. I would highly recommend finishing it. I would love to see king squirrel’s castle :D

I was told you should finish this game! Also I like this game and you should finish it! I would love to see that snowy mountain some day ⛄️


this game is fun! dont finish it!


this game fun! Please finish it!


please finish this


How u make game


GB Studio

Infinite cats and dogs, as it should be. 

Real time battle the Gurb


please finish this


Finish it, dawg

Hope you finish the game after Dwerve! Thanks for the fun time!


your GB studios tutorials helped me with my work in progress game, The Pointless Knight.  Great Game, and Great Videos!

Nice job


An NPC told me to pass this quest onto you: Finish this game. Will you accept this quest, adventurer?
By the way I'm SamSibbens, you left smiley faces as comments on two of my videos :D

I upgraded to Beta 2.0 and it's completely worth it - you can stick to the original Gameboy color palette if you want or you can "paint a palette" over tiles to change their colors. A lot of things work better too. I also made an "image splitter", I can feed it a giant image and it will split it into all the backgrounds required for my game, and named properly like overworld-y3-x7

I didn't even know about GB Studio, I came to your pixel tutorials and saw GB Studio tutorials as a playlist, that's how I found out about it. So thanks!




This game is cute and the graphics are awesome. I’d like to see you finish itA

Also an NPC told me to bug you about that...

Awesome art and game, really appreciate all the youtube tutorials!

Your work inspires me so much!! I watch your YouTube videos on GB Studio on repeat. 

Keep making amazing art and games.

Hi! i have a very dumb problem i hope you can help me with, i'm really new with GB sutdio and i want to learn how to put two rooms togheter, thank you <3!

(1 edit)

I made this from a blank layer I made from your Gurbs Adventure, cause I loaded your game in GB Studio 2 as a way to learn to use it and just swap things, and when I used this as the logo it said somethin about too many 8x8px details but it hardly has any detail... what did I do wrong?

ps. whilte its using that image the game won't run


nevermind, I figured it out, lol I had created new scenes for my art but didn't realize how to properly set them as the ones being used

This game has a lot of potentinal 

this is so fun omg


I can't wait to meet King Squirrel!

(1 edit)

found a glitch where i can get out of the map, hit enter then z very fast in succession and it teleports you and puts you outside the map

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